Project Development

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How a Project Is Developed and Constructed

All potential projects are identified and developed by BCEO engineers, who also determine a funding source for each project and place them on a time line. Ongoing three- and five-year plans are maintained and routinely updated. Most large scale projects have already been identified in the Butler County Thoroughfare Plan developed by the Engineer’s Office, which serves as an ongoing comprehensive 20-year countywide transportation planning guide. The Plan is modified every four to five years based on development and growth trends and subsequent changing traffic demands.

Following the planning phase, projects move into the engineering design phase. The BCEO Design Department is responsible for engineering and designing the projects on our CAD System (Computer Aided Design) or through local and regional consultants. Once a project is designed the BCEO’s Construction Department manages the actual construction of all contract projects. This involves several significant steps, including the purchase of right-of-way, coordinating utility relocations, and working directly with contractors to make sure the job is completed in a timely manner and according to design specifications.

By law all major jobs must be advertised for bid and awarded to the lowest qualified bidding contractor; however, crews from the BCEO’s Operations Department handle construction of all Force Account (non-contract) projects. These may include small bridge and culvert replacements, bridge deck repairs and replacements, and intersection modifications.

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